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Curtin University
Curtin Information Management and Archives

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 1992 (WA) give the public the right to access documents of State and local government agencies. It ensures that personal information in documents is accurate, complete, up to date and not misleading.

How to Make an FOI Application

The Western Australian Freedom of Information Act (1992) ("the Act") applies to Curtin University.

To request information from the University under the Act, you must submit a formal request in writing.

The request should be addressed to:

Freedom of Information Coordinator
Curtin University
Curtin Information Management and Archives
GPO Box U1987
Perth WA 6845
Email: Phone: 08 9266 1036
Mobile: 0466 552 523

You should include a processing fee for all non-personal information.

All subpoenas and summonses must be directed Legal Services.

Personal Information

Applications for access to personal information must be in writing.

If the information you seek relates to you, there is normally no charge for this information.

Personal information can be:

You may be requested to produce proof of your identity before any information is provided to you. A driver's licence (with photograph) or passport is preferred.

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Non-Personal Information

If the information you are seeking is not directly about you, then this is deemed to be non-personal information, and you will be asked to pay a fee.

When seeking access to general or non-personal information, it is preferable to first discuss the matter with the Freedom of Information Officer by telephoning (08) 9266 1036.

When submitting a request for Non-Personal Information you will be required to pay a $30.00 application fee, with your formal written request. Any further charges will be explained to you as part of the process of dealing with your application. Payment can be made via the University's electronic payment system (ePay). Once in the system choose the following menu options:

Processing FOI Applications

Under the Western Australian Freedom of Information Act 91992), the University is required to respond to an application for information within 45 days of the application being considered valid.

Notice of decision

Within the 45 day period, the University will provide you with a Notice of Decision which will include, among other things: